The Potter’s Wheel Studio Policies


  • You must be a registered student in the current session to use any workshop time. If you do not register, you can not utilize workshop time. No exceptions.

  • We aim to have a week off in between sessions where we will have workshop time for students to use to wrap up their work. Unregistered students, from the previous session ONLY, who need even more time are allowed to utilize the FIRST  2 weeks of a new session (UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED). That time must be schedule via email or via our online booking portal. Please be aware of the time commitment you need to finish your work, so that you can have it done on time. 

  • You must use our site to schedule/buy time at the studio for workshop time. 


  • You must book workshop time in the class type you are currently registered in, we will not make any exceptions to this. 


When an individual who is registered for a course misses a single class, they are permitted to make up the class by working independently at no charge during our Block Workshop hours. Please note: missed time will not have any teacher/instructor guidance while you are there making up your time.

Students who miss 2 or more classes can purchase workshop time to make up that missed time, if they wish.  There will be no refund given for missed classes. A missed class cannot be made up in another class, it can only be made up during work shop hours. We ask that any missed class be made up during the session it was missed in. We ask that if you miss a class & can not make it up in that current session that you please make it up by the end of the first week of the following session, as to make sure all students get their fair allotment of workshop time. After that first week, missed class make-up requests will not be honored.


Individuals may register online or in-person. All prospective students must be 18 years of age or older. Please note, that class size is limited due to space. As in many learning institutions, it is possible that a class might fill up early, effectively closing registration. If you are able to, it is advisable to register early.


The Potter's Wheel reserves the right to cancel a course or workshop up to 48 hours before the first scheduled class. If a course or workshop is cancelled, a full refund will be given.


In the event that a student exhibits inappropriate, disruptive or physically harmful behavior, The Potter's Wheel reserves the right to refuse registration to, suspend or expel that student.  In addition, conduct by a student that is consistently discourteous and/or disrespectful may lead to suspension, or revocation of registration. The Potter’s Wheel does not tolerate language or behavior that is derogatory and intolerant of another’s race, ethnicity, religion, gender or sexual orientation.  In the event a student is fully expelled, a pro-rated refund will be granted.


⬥ In order to receive a full course tuition refund, you must request it no later than 48 hours before the beginning of the session (not individual class). After that time, no refunds for tuition will be given. Any requests after that deadline and before the 2nd class meets will be given a credit for a future course. After that, we can not provide a course refund or credit towards another session.

⬥ To transfer to a difference course, requests may be made up to one day before the class is scheduled to begin,  providing space is available.

⬥ Course transfers or requests to apply registration costs to a future course are NOT granted AFTER the FIRST class has met. The Potter’s Wheel cannot grant exceptions to this policy.

⬥ Purchased workshop time can be fully refunded up to 24 hours before the scheduled workshop time. Within the 24 hour workshop time will be rescheduled to a later date within the session.

⬥ Gallery items can be exchanged for store credit no more than 14 days from purchase.

⬥ Gift Card purchases made in the studio or on our website are non-refundable.


If you are a registered student, you will continue to get 1 shelf included in the price of your tuition. If you are an unregistered student during any session, you can rent a shelf for $30 for that session. Students who are not in a session, and who will not be renting a shelf, must clear their shelves by the end of the session they are in. Any items on their shelf will be removed/discarded once that new session begins. Students will be alerted to the date they need to have the shelf cleared via email. Any FULLY FINISHED items that have not been picked up will be added to our holding shelves and will be held for 1 month, and will be discarded after that time frame. Students are asked to NOT put any of their items on an empty shelf at the studio. Any items found on an empty shelf  WILL BE DISCARDED IMMEDIATELY. Unregistered students that are taking an extended break will have a total of 3 consecutive session in which they can rent a shelf without being registered. After that time, those items will be discarded. We have very limited storage space & we can not hold items on our shelves indefinitely.  


Due to our close quarters, we ask that if you wish to listen to music while you create, please use headphones as a courtesy to other students who are utilizing the studio.

We encourage all students to photograph or film their work & their process! We do ask that you are courteous of those around you when you do film/photograph, and that you respect everyone’s privacy. The Potter's Wheel reserves the right to photograph all classes and workshops for promotional use via the web or in print. If you do not wish to have your photograph reproduced, please inform us by email at the start of each course session.

We know that phones are an important everyday usage item, but we do ask that if you need to make or take a phone call, please take that call outside of the studio, as we are in close quarters to each other.


We ask that you please refrain from eating while at the studio, if you do need to eat, there are numerous restaurants in the area to take advantage of. Obviously, beverages such as water, tea, & coffee, etc are ok for consumption.


Again, due to our small space, we do not offer our space for any events/parties/ single or one-on-one lessons.

We only offer our 7 week sessions. 


The cost of firing work is five cents (5¢) per cubic inch.  This fee covers two firings; the bisque firing and the post glaze firing.  The determination of whether or not a piece is ready for firing is made only by staff.  There is a large volume of work processed on a daily basis, so at what point your piece is fired depends on space availability, and our kiln firing schedule. Payment of firing charges is due at the time of submission.


The Potter's Wheel will notify via our social media channels if we will close during times of inclement weather.


Checks that do not clear automatically incur a $35 administrative fee.


The information contained in this website is for general information purposes only. The information is provided by The Potter's Wheel.  Although we strive to represent only accurate information on our website, we make no representations, promises or warranties of any kind, express or implied, regarding the completeness, accuracy, reliability, suitability or availability with respect to the information, products, services, or graphics contained on the website for any purpose. Therefore, any reliance you place on such information is strictly at your own risk. In no event will we be liable for any loss or damage including without limitation, indirect or consequential, or any loss or damage whatsoever arising from the loss of data due to the use, or in connection with this website. Every effort is made to keep the website up and running smoothly and efficiently, however, The Potter's Wheel takes no responsibility for, and is not liable for, any inconvenience or loss because of the temporary unavailability of our website caused by technical issues beyond our control.